We met at one of those art soirees, that bring you to a pool of people – mostly they go out of your life as fast as they enter it…without trace of existence, without hint of memory…and only their business cards are occasionally found in pockets, stuffed in evening bags… Funny enough, I never refuse offer of business card and quite often even ask for one …I wonder why am I doing that? If I know for sure that I almost never ever use them…I hate calling people I met sporadically and answering my own phone is even bigger problem for me lately...But meeting L was a very different story…
I was looking for a quote of somebody famous to define L-and even though I am big fun quoting in all kind of situation I realize that I have hard time finding a right one in this case…L is special and she definitely deserves a quote to be dedicated just to her…
While thinking about how I can put a simple sentence (a quote) to describe a complicated person-I’ll tell you a little bit about L.
Not only she stands out in any company, she is sweet without being artificial, smart without being snood, opinionated without being hurtful; you’ve got to admit it’s hell of a combination… she seems not only interested in the subject but adds that “je ne sais quoi” in every conversation so wittingly, that makes it worth continuing…
Another thing about L - is her look.
She looks GOOOD: smart/intriguingly stylish and by that I mean you’re quite mesmerized by how she puts pieces together. It keeps you guessing who’s that outfit by? I like that-it’s not good to be too transparent in trends one’s wearing.
Being a New Yorker, as L is, means to poses the qualities and abilities, from being well read, educated and travelled to being street smart and open for new knowledge and experience in a split second. After all NY life is as fast as changes in global climate…
L is a true New Yorker-she makes a great example of independent bright woman, who navigates this complicated city life with grace…She is true American beauty…and that and that alone is enough to make me grateful to the fate that brought us together at that art event we met.
So what that quote would be to describe L?
Especially in a day like today, (it’s her birthday, by the way).
I close my eyes and look inside of my soul…
“To L, who moves as lightly as butterfly, but manages to leave firm imprint in people’s hearts …Happy Birthday!!”