A few days ago all news station started predicting this. Every channel would show the map with arrows towards NY. Regular broadcast was often interrupted by sadden announcements. No, I am not talking about possible terrorist attack (God Forbid) and NOT about Tiger Wood mistress #122. Not about health reform (which honestly is quite boring).
The force of nature, snow storm was coming...
The excitement of upcoming snow storm was overwhelming!!
But it still came kind of suddenly and out of nowhere….Well, it usually comes out of nowhere.
Simply because SNOW is just another state and form of water-and water is everywhere and nowhere.
I found definitions of snow very intriguing.
SNOW by http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/snow
1. | Meteorology. a precipitation in the form of ice crystals, mainly of intricately branched, hexagonal form and often agglomerated into snowflakes, formed directly from the freezing of the water vapor in the air. Compare ice crystals, snow grains, snow pellets. |
2. | these flakes as forming a layer on the ground or other surface. |
3 | the fall of these flakes or a storm during which these flakes fall Here is another interesting definition by http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Snow SNOW-n. |
: | 1. Frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes. 2. A falling of snow; a snowstorm. 3. Something resembling snow, as: a. The white specks on a television screen resulting from weak reception. b. Slang Cocaine. c. Slang Heroin. I sat on the floor beside the glass terrace door with my morning cup of coffee and observed the incredible transformation-sugary muffing heads on everything- a result of last night snow falling over Manhattan. and while looking through the window at the objects snow created out of pots and outside furniture made me think how much as a water sign I must be relevant to the state of water: sometimes foggy, steamy, raining, pouring, puddle uncomfortable; and sometimes: strikingly/powdery/sugary/sparkly/fluffy substance, that makes absolutely everything beautiful at least for a little while….SNOW!
P.S. I cooked (photos above)hearty beans soup and meat with barley-that's the must food this moment!!