Everyday life of person, residing in Manhattan, who's fate brought to live in different countries among variety of cultures and languages-at some point the borders were blended, the consciousness was blurred, She gradually became the Person of the Universe...But the absolute freedom of expression is mixed with realization of that IT IS inevitably comes with the BIG price: losing the identity she once had... and NOW she's struggling to understand her own place in this World.
Monday, March 29, 2010
my village moved to Brussels
It's been 3 month since i left my beloved New York.
<At first it felt like i am tree that got cut down. I am on the ground and somebody's counting my rings.>
I moved to Belgium.< I am staying with my friends, who're so dear to me that i am scared to death overextend their hospitality. That's probably one of the reasons why i can't sleep right now (it's 3am)>
I am in Brussels-OR should i call it Bruxelles like locals do?////
I moved, BUT my village stayed.
My village New York, where i felt at home, safe and comfortable.<which of course comes with huge price tag>
Where i know a lot of people, where i feel like being strange is NORMAL.
It stayed behind....
what does ONE do in the situation like that?
<if i am a tree that's cut...what good could come from it??>
logs for fire and box of matches to make one???
OR i can try to branch out and start again...
I can create my new village.
<Funny thought: New York was named after York...My new village will be called after New York-so it should be my New village New York???>
doesn't sound right, not to mention the feeling of abandonment and distance...
changes in life,
cut down tree,
New York
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