Monday, March 29, 2010

my village moved to Brussels

It's been 3 month since i left my beloved New York.
<At first it felt like i am tree that got cut down. I am on the ground and somebody's counting my rings.>
I moved to Belgium.< I am staying with my friends, who're so dear to me that i am scared to death overextend their hospitality. That's probably one of the reasons why i can't sleep right now (it's 3am)>
I am in Brussels-OR should i call it Bruxelles like locals do?////
I moved, BUT my village stayed.
My village New York, where i felt at home, safe and comfortable.<which of course comes with huge price tag>
Where i know a lot of people, where i feel like being strange is NORMAL.
It stayed behind....
what does ONE do in the situation like that?
<if i am a tree that's cut...what good could come from it??>
logs for fire and box of matches to make one???
OR i can try to branch out and start again...
I can create my new village.
<Funny thought: New York was named after York...My new village will be called after New York-so it should be my New village New York???>
doesn't sound right, not to mention the feeling of abandonment and distance...