Everyday life of person, residing in Manhattan, who's fate brought to live in different countries among variety of cultures and languages-at some point the borders were blended, the consciousness was blurred, She gradually became the Person of the Universe...But the absolute freedom of expression is mixed with realization of that IT IS inevitably comes with the BIG price: losing the identity she once had... and NOW she's struggling to understand her own place in this World.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Vladimir Mayakovsky -the last poem, 1930.
while translating poem.
Vladimir Mayakovsky - the way he looked at the time he put the pistol in his mouth (3 days after he wrote this poem).
Vladimir Mayakovsky -the last poem 1930.
Уже второй. Должно быть, ты легла.
В ночи Млечпуть серебряной Окою.
Я не спешу, и молниями телеграмм
мне незачем тебя будить и беспокоить.
Как говорят, инцидент исперчен.
Любовная лодка разбилась о быт.
С тобой мы в расчете. И не к чему перечень
взаимных болей, бед и обид.
Ты посмотри, какая в мире тишь.
Ночь обложила небо звездной данью.
В такие вот часы встаешь и говоришь
векам, истории и мирозданью.
2009, translated by Elena Orlova
It’s past one in the morning-you’re probably in bed.
The Milky Way shines like river on darkness of the sky.
I am not in rush –my thoughts as flashes being telegram-ed
Will not disturb and shake your sleep tonight.
The incident is over peppered or so that's what they’ve said…
The Love boat smashed in pieces by the reality sight.
We’re EVEN now and should no longer need
to count our sorrows, pains and tearful fights.
Look –There is SUCH silence over World,
Night‘s busy making star collages in the sky.
In hours like that – raise and speak to the WORLD,
to blissful centuries of HUMAN HISTORY.
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perevod peredaet chyvctvo....molodets!