Sunday, January 3, 2010

3 years today-january 3rd.

Today is January 3rd and it marks 3 years since I got my visit to NY City Hall.

3 years is a lot, right? Or maybe it’s not.

It sure feels like long time to me right now, when I am sitting at the cafe by myself so far away from New York and that special someone I had shared this day 3 years ago…

I remember that day with such vigorous brightness that it pinches my brain….

It was very strange weather for January-warm spring like-blue sky and sunshine.

I took subway downtown and walked into City Hall where I was greeted by 2 friends (one of them was a witness and the other one seemed to be there to silently remind me how unwise was I just about to behave by tying the knot again) and the man I was getting married to. Was I nervous? You bet I was!

I was very nervous-my knees were weak-I was on the edge of crying, but instead I was smiling and kept telling myself, that my hands being tremble and my heart ache were just signs…not the signs of weakness , but the signs of HOPE.

HOPE that this time it will last forever.

Forever is such hard and unforgiving word, Maybe the hardest one around.

Today is much different day-snow is covering everything –very cold –slippery streets.

But sun is shining brightly -I guess the sunshine is what makes me tearful.

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